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You will receive an EMAIL confirmation with your completed order, order number (please double check your Junk/spam folder). The email will have everything that you need.

  • Instructions
  • The link to download your purchase
  • The licence serial number, N.B which is the bottom of the order confirmation

Please make sure you read the email and follow the instructions on the email, if you need any help or need any clarifications, please contact us or using the live chat - we are here to help you 24/7.

Great news!

You can now enjoy a 20% discount on your next purchase, valid for 24 hours.

 Immediately after your purchase, you will receive an email with all the necessary details to start using the software.

MS Office Store offers a range of software, including Office suites and Windows operating systems.

You’ll get your software licenses via email, so you can kick things off fast and hassle-free

You can contact MS Office Store through email, and live chat. We can assist you both in resolving technical issues and during the installation of the software.

Yes, we offer remote assistance during the software installation process in addition to our technical support.

Questions? Our support team is just a message away!

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Day or night, our support team is here, 24/7, to assist with your technical questions.