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Leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) for Seamless App and Service Integration: Integration App's Approach

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the quest to seamlessly integrate software applications has been a persistent challenge for businesses. Many enterprises adopting software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications have encountered the roadblock of incompatible systems, despite the availability of integration tools.

One visionary individual, Daniil Bratchenko, who previously played a pivotal role at DataRobot, the leading AI and data science platform, recognized this issue. This realization led to the birth of Integration.app, a game-changing startup focused on simplifying software integration for engineering teams.

With nearly two decades of experience in the tech industry, Bratchenko observed that integrating new software into existing ecosystems was a top priority for companies. However, building the numerous integrations required by their customers consumed precious engineering hours that could otherwise be dedicated to developing core features.

This challenge is not unique, as a survey by Salesforce’s MuleSoft revealed that approximately 90% of companies encounter integration issues as a common hurdle in sales. Moreover, 20% of respondents found integration to be highly time-consuming, while 44% have struggled to integrate apps with their existing systems.

Considering that the average company uses approximately 130 applications, according to Statista, the scope of the problem becomes evident: it can quickly spiral into an unmanageable and insurmountable challenge.

To address this challenge, Bratchenko, who had previously sold his movie recommendation engine company, Kionobaza.tv, to Yandex, the Russian technology giant, founded Integration.app. This startup is on a mission to empower engineering teams to streamline the integration of their company’s products with third-party applications.

With a vision to revolutionize the software integration landscape, Integration.app recently emerged from stealth mode, announcing $3.5 million in funding led by Crew Capital, along with the participation of Seedcamp and Cortical Ventures.

This infusion of capital will be instrumental in supporting Integration.app’s go-to-market efforts, enhancing sales and marketing strategies, and expanding the company’s team from 12 full-time employees to 24 within the next 12 months. Bratchenko emphasized the significance of raising equity, as it allows them to invest upfront in product development and sales without the burden of servicing debt, while also enabling early investors to become strategic partners rather than mere sources of capital.

Integration.app operates as an integration platform as a service (iPaaS) provider, offering a comprehensive suite of tools for connecting various applications and data sources. In a market valued at over $3.7 billion, several competitors, including Digibee, Boomi, and MuleSoft, vie for a share of the iPaaS sector, reflecting the substantial demand. A 2021 study by TeamDynamix, an iPaaS vendor, revealed that 27% of companies had already invested in iPaaS, and 66% planned to do so in the next one or two years.


What sets Integration.app apart is its cutting-edge technology. It leverages large language models (LLMs), akin to ChatGPT, to automate crucial aspects of the software integration process. The “connector builder” tool, a standout feature of Integration.app, employs LLMs to “read” API documentation and determine how to seamlessly integrate with specific applications. Bratchenko proudly declares that this approach empowers Integration.app’s customers to generate “thousands” of connectors swiftly.

Developers using Integration.app can configure a single integration “scenario,” such as importing customer data from a customer relationship management platform. Integration.app’s AI-driven system takes care of the rest, automatically mapping the necessary APIs and user interfaces across multiple applications to generate “dozens” of connectors.

In Bratchenko’s words, Integration.app “helps engineering teams to integrate their products with every other SaaS application their customers use.” It serves as a universal integrations platform with application-specific customization, significantly reducing the time required to maintain hundreds of integrations.

It’s worth noting that Integration.app is not the sole iPaaS provider exploring generative AI features to streamline app integration. Zapier, for instance, introduced Canvas, an AI-powered tool that enables users to map out entire app-to-app workflows from a single interface. Furthermore, Amazon plans to introduce AI-driven functionality in AWS AppFabric, its iPaaS offering, to perform a variety of tasks across connected SaaS applications and services.

Despite the competition, Bratchenko exudes confidence. He revealed, “Integration.app began its commercialization journey four months ago and quickly scaled to include dozens of paying customers. While catalyzing a mindset shift among engineering teams to embrace embedded integration technology is a challenge, we believe that Integration.app’s remarkable efficiency and customizability, compared to legacy incumbent competitors, will drive widespread adoption among developers.”


In conclusion, Integration.app offers a powerful solution to streamline app integrations for enterprises. With the use of large language models (LLMs) and innovative technology, Integration.app enables engineering teams to quickly connect their products with a wide range of SaaS applications. By automating certain aspects of the integration process and generating multiple connectors, Integration.app significantly reduces the time and effort required to maintain hundreds of integrations.

While there are competitors in the iPaaS sector, Integration.app stands out with its unique approach and focus on customization. The company’s connector builder tool and use of LLMs allow for efficient and personalized integrations, enabling tech-savvy professionals to seamlessly connect apps and services together.

With $3.5 million in funding and a growing team, Integration.app is poised to make a significant impact in the integration market. Although there is competition in the form of AI-powered tools from other iPaaS providers, Integration.app remains confident in its ability to drive developer adoption through its efficiency, customizability, and continuous innovations.

Have you explored iPaaS solutions for streamlining your app integration processes? Are you familiar with the concept of large language models (LLMs) and their potential impact on automation and efficiency in app integrations? What are the key factors you consider when choosing an integration platform? Leave your insights.

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