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Meta Partners with Hugging Face for Startup Accelerator Promoting Open Source AI Models

Meta, the parent company of Facebook, has recently announced a partnership with Hugging Face and Scaleway to launch an AI-focused startup program at the Station F startup campus in Paris. The program aims to foster collaboration and openness in AI development within the French technology industry.

This announcement comes at a time when there is a growing debate between the “open” and “closed” AI realms, with major tech companies advocating for more regulation while simultaneously developing powerful AI technologies. Meta’s decision to team up with Hugging Face, a prominent player in the open-source AI space, aligns with their stance on promoting openness and transparency. The new AI Startup Program at Station F will provide selected startups with resources and mentorship to support their projects built on open foundation models.

By partnering with Hugging Face and Scaleway, Meta is taking a different approach compared to other major cloud infrastructure companies, demonstrating their commitment to supporting smaller, independent European players. Through this partnership, Meta aims to accelerate the adoption of open-source AI models and drive innovation within the French ecosystem. 

Meta, the parent company of Facebook, has forged a strategic alliance with Hugging Face, a prominent open-source AI platform, and the European cloud infrastructure firm, Scaleway. Together, they are introducing an innovative AI-focused startup program at the expansive Station F startup megacampus in Paris.

This initiative’s core objective is to champion an “open and collaborative” ethos within the AI landscape of France’s technology sector. The timing of this announcement is significant, coinciding with an increasing drive for regulation and the evident tension between the “open” and “closed” domains of AI.

Several major tech companies, including Microsoft, Google, and OpenAI (the developer of ChatGPT), are advocating for increased regulation and expressing concerns about the existential risks posed by AI, all while actively developing powerful AI technologies. These discussions often revolve around the dangers of open-source AI and how it might be exploited by malicious actors.

On the opposing side, there’s the argument that these tech giants may be employing scare tactics to compel regulators to endorse a more “closed” AI development paradigm, which would, in turn, protect their interests by stifling competition. Meta firmly aligns with the latter perspective. Recently, the company’s Chief AI Scientist, Yann LeCun, joined over 70 other signatories in a call for greater openness in AI development while cautioning against overly hasty regulatory actions.

The letter emphasizes the perils of hastily pursuing ill-suited regulations that could result in power consolidation detrimental to competition and innovation. It underscores the value of open models in facilitating informed debates and enhancing policy development. If the objectives include safety, security, and accountability, then openness and transparency become crucial components for achieving those goals.

Against this backdrop, Meta’s collaboration with one of the major players in the open-source AI domain becomes noteworthy. Meta has been engaged in open-sourcing its generative AI models. In contrast, Hugging Face, a billion-dollar VC-backed startup, has positioned itself as an open-source counterpart to OpenAI. It offers open alternatives to well-known models like ChatGPT and actively leads community initiatives such as BigScience.

Indeed, the partnership between Meta and Hugging Face aligns well with their distinct positions in the ongoing debate surrounding “open” versus “closed” AI. Clément Delangue, CEO of Hugging Face, emphasized the significance of open-source AI as a pivotal factor in the ethical democratization of AI. This collaboration is a practical manifestation of their shared commitment to fostering openness and transparency in AI development.


From today until December 1, 2023, startups are invited to apply for the “AI Startup Program” at Station F. Out of the applicants, five promising startups will be chosen to participate in an accelerator program running from January to June. These selected startups, evaluated by a panel of judges representing Meta, Hugging Face, and French cloud company Scaleway, will share a common trait: their commitment to projects rooted in open foundation models, or at the very least, a strong willingness to incorporate these models into their products and services. As Meta emphasizes, this initiative seeks to harness the economic and technological advantages of open, cutting-edge models and bring them to the thriving French tech ecosystem.

It’s worth highlighting that Meta’s decision to collaborate with Scaleway, an independent European cloud infrastructure company, is rather remarkable. This choice circumvents major cloud infrastructure players and those skeptical of open-source AI, including industry giants like Microsoft and Google. As part of this collaboration, the victorious startups will enjoy mentorship from Meta’s talented researchers and engineers. They will also have unfettered access to Hugging Face’s diverse range of platforms and tools, bolstering their AI initiatives. Additionally, they can tap into the robust computing resources offered by Scaleway, amplifying their capacity for innovation and development. This strategic partnership underscores Meta’s commitment to fostering an open and collaborative AI ecosystem.

It’s important to note that while Meta hasn’t abandoned its ambitious metaverse goals, there has been a significant shift in its priorities over the past year. Approximately a year ago, Meta, in collaboration with L’Oréal and French business school HEC, initiated a startup accelerator program at Station F with a strong focus on VR/AR/MR technologies. However, the rising enthusiasm for ChatGPT and generative AI has led Meta to pivot its attention towards more immediate objectives. This new accelerator program represents a strategic response to the evolving landscape.


In conclusion, Meta’s collaboration with Hugging Face and Scaleway to launch the AI Startup Program at Station F represents a significant step towards promoting open-source AI development and fostering innovation within the French technology ecosystem. By providing resources, mentorship, and access to cutting-edge tools, Meta is empowering startups to build projects that utilize open foundation models. This partnership showcases Meta’s commitment to transparency and their belief in the power of collaboration to drive advancements in AI.

As the debate between open and closed AI realms continues, Meta’s choice to team up with Hugging Face, a leading player in the open-source AI space, further emphasizes their dedication to creating an environment that encourages dialogue and pushes the boundaries of ethical AI. With this initiative, Meta, Hugging Face, and Scaleway are paving the way for a future where open-source AI models are widely adopted, spurring innovation and propelling the development of groundbreaking AI technologies.

What are your thoughts on Meta’s collaboration with Hugging Face and Scaleway to launch the AI Startup Program at Station F? Do you believe it will effectively promote open-source AI development in the French technology industry? In your opinion, what are the potential benefits and risks associated with open-source AI models? How do you think these models can be effectively regulated to ensure safety and accountability? Share your thoughts below.

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